Lifestyle Magazin

Svetski mediji su 2017. Srpkinju proglasili za najzgodniju baku na svetu, a danas je još lepša

Svetski mediji 2017. godine raspisali su se o gospođi Žaklini, zgodnoj Srpkinji koja živi život prave influenserke i koja je verovatno najzgodnija baka na svetu.

Hiljade ljudi lajkovali su njene fotke, a zgodna baka je bez frke pokazivala svoje telo u kaputićima i kupaćim kostimima.

Dve godine kasnije, Žaklina je još zgodnija i atraktivnija.

Zavirili smo na njen Instagram profil i tamo, osim fotki s unukama, ima mnoštvo sadržaja nad kojim će muškarci sliniti. Žaklina u pedesetoj izgleda kao tri miliona dolara, a na trbušnim mišićima mogu joj zavideti i dvostruko mlađe cure.

POVEZANO: Superbaka iz Beograda je članica Mense, skija, vesla i savršen je dokaz da su godine samo broj

“Vežbajte, žene, samo vežbajte”, kaže prelepa Instagram zvezda.

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Continue to watch full video Today's media is telling us that we are old with 30. Like, life finishes with 25 and than?? Lie down and wait to die? Reality is insufficient Reality for everyone: Born School Work Marriage Child Pension Death I do not want to be part of that simple scary scheme No one can bring you luck You have to grab it yourself But the first thing is to: move The only thing that makes the difference between Me and You is what I do with my 24h time. I filmed this video on your high request. Only and exclusively to show you that You Can Do the Same. There is no money, mystery, magic potion or pill that you need! You don’t get into amazing shape by drinking moderate amounts of alcohol, eating moderate amounts of junk food, and exercising moderately a couple times a week. You don’t become a billionaire by working 40 hours a week. Extreme results require extreme efforts. True change starts at the end of a comfort zone! I exercise all my life. For me it's a part of daily routine, as washing my teeth. I'm taking a good care of my body. .. It's a vehicle for my soul. 🙂 That's all philosophy. If you believe it's impossible you will finish where I started. #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #lovegetsloveinreturn #bethebestversionofyourself #italy #wakeupyourdivineside #love #myangel #rememberstefan?? #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by Zaklina Pisano (@realfashionist) on

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I’m always producing. Cause I truly love what I’m doing. I’m not in it only for the money, money is just byproduct. Start loving a process. I got to learn how to work smart. Be prepared to work on Saturday and Sundays ( like me today finishing this article while my hubby is waiting 🙂 are you prepared for doing that? No? Cause you want to go and hang out? I’m also going out, going to the most beautiful places, beaches, but at the same time I have a discipline to always create. On the weekends too. Don’t regret for not being where you think you should be at this particular moment. For a long time I didn’t have half a million followers and subscribers. Nobody was watching my profile but I was keep doing it believing in myself. We don’t attract what we want we attract what we are. Start to learn how to work with people. Treat people with respect. Read more on my web site ❤️??link in my Bio #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #lovegetsloveinreturn #bethebestversionofyourself #italy #bologna #samsara #samsarariccione #wakeupyourdivineside #love #myangel #rememberstefan?? #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by Zaklina Pisano (@realfashionist) on

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Continue to watch full video Today's media is telling us that we are old with 30. Like, life finishes with 25 and than?? Lie down and wait to die? Reality is insufficient Reality for everyone: Born School Work Marriage Child Pension Death I do not want to be part of that simple scary scheme No one can bring you luck You have to grab it yourself But the first thing is to: move The only thing that makes the difference between Me and You is what I do with my 24h time. I filmed this video on your high request. Only and exclusively to show you that You Can Do the Same. There is no money, mystery, magic potion or pill that you need! You don’t get into amazing shape by drinking moderate amounts of alcohol, eating moderate amounts of junk food, and exercising moderately a couple times a week. You don’t become a billionaire by working 40 hours a week. Extreme results require extreme efforts. True change starts at the end of a comfort zone! I exercise all my life. For me it's a part of daily routine, as washing my teeth. I'm taking a good care of my body. .. It's a vehicle for my soul. 🙂 That's all philosophy. If you believe it's impossible you will finish where I started. #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #lovegetsloveinreturn #bethebestversionofyourself #italy #wakeupyourdivineside #love #myangel #rememberstefan?? #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by Zaklina Pisano (@realfashionist) on

Znate li vi neku zgodniju baku?

Koja je razlika između bake i babe?

Dragana Vidić

Čeka poslednji voz za Nedođiju. I to uspešno radi jako dugo. U međuvremenu piše.


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  • Obozavam ove gosodje sto jednu casu u zivotu nisu oprale, po ceo dan su po salonima i fitnesima, depilacijama, epilacijama, valjaju se po plazama destinacija koje mi samo na slikama mozemo da vidimo i onda prosipaju motivacione poruke i dele savete za zene koje ne znaju gde im je glava a kamoli kosa od posla, skole, vesa, sudova, treninga , rucka, usisavanja,…

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