
Snimci okeana iz ugla morske kornjače osvojili su društvene mreže i leče dušu

Snimci okeana zabeleženi kamerom postavljenom na oklop kornjača sve više osvajaju društvene mreže. Ovaj neobičan projekat pokrenut je na predlog morskog biologa Nejtana Džeka Robinsona.

Robinsonova fondacija „Fundacion Oceanografic“ bavi se istraživanjima koja za cilj imaju očuvanje vrsta u morima i okeanima. Jedan od tih projekata bavi se i morskim kornjačama.

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We have collected over 200 hours of #turtlecam 🐢 and this is easily my favorite moment. The moment when this eagle ray glides over this turtle never fails to take my breath away. If you would like to see more #turtlecam highlights, please share or comment on the video and I'll make sure to upload more highlights soon! In our TurtleCam program, we are deploying cameras onto the carapaces of sea turtles to gain a unique insights into their secret worlds. The TurtleCam project was funded by the @ceibahamas , @westconn , and WCSU's Finding Our Way project, which was also supported by @noaa through its New England B-WET Program. This amazing footage was shot entirely on @paralenz dive cameras. Also, a huge thank you must go out to every other person and organization that has supported this project including @oceanografic_vl @greatbigstory @cnn @oceanx @speakupforblue @projectsforwildlife @grizkid @ebenhall @dave_yim @ana.miguel.9210 @laurasaint22 @taia.po @groovehommes @saragillis @thetravelingbiologist @charp3r @annabelsm @ards92 @runofthemillss @katelong7 @willkuc @harperhollander @olivia.nachman @tess_mccormick_ @alexxiskye @avarochee and many, many more! #seaturtles #turtles #bluemind #freediving #savetheoceans #savetheturtles #oceans #befree #marinescience #justkeepswimming #turtletuesday #underwater #eagleray #stingray #paralenz #turtlelife #bluemind #freediving #oceanplanet

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Pošto su nailazili na mnogo slučajeva povređenih vrsta, Robinson i članovi njegovog tima želeli su da saznaju više — kuda se ove kornjače kreću i odakle preti potencijalna opasnost.

Tako su došli na ideju da na oklop kornjača postave kameru, koja je inače napravljena od recikliranog materijala i saznaju kako izgleda okean iz ugla morske kornjače, prenosi „Nacionalna geografija“.

Video je, inače, snimljen na ostrvu Eljutera, na Bahamima.

Kako ovaj tim ima veliki broj snimljenih sati, i dalje ih pregledaju i puštaju najinteresantnije delove. Nove priče i snimke iz dubine okeana možete pratiti na Instagram profilu Nejtana Robinsona:

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Would you be as calm as this turtle 🐢 if a Caribbean whiptail stingray swam this close to you? I don't think I would be able to contain my excitement as well as this turtle does! I'm sharing another clip from our #turtlecam 🐢project to help celebrate #earthday 🌎 If you'd like to keep seeing more TurtleCam videos, please let me know and remember to keep sharing these posts in your stories! In our TurtleCam program, we are deploying cameras onto the carapaces of sea turtles to gain a unique insights into their secret worlds. The TurtleCam project was funded by the @ceibahamas , @westconn , and WCSU's Finding Our Way project, which was also supported by @noaa through its New England B-WET Program. This amazing footage was shot entirely on @paralenz dive cameras. Also, a huge thank you must go out to every other person and organization that has supported this project including @oceanografic_vl @greatbigstory @cnn @oceanx @speakupforblue @projectsforwildlife @grizkid @ebenhall @dave_yim @ana.miguel.9210 @laurasaint22 @taia.po @groovehommes @saragillis @charp3r @annabelsm @ards92 @runofthemillss @katelong7 @willkuc @harperhollander @olivia.nachman @tess_mccormick_ @alexis @ava If you' and many, many more! #seaturtles #turtles #bluemind #freediving #savetheoceans #savetheturtles #oceans #peaceful #marinescience #justkeepswimming #turtletuesday #underwater #stingray #paralenz #turtlelife #diving #swimming

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Stvarne situacije u kojima su delfini i kitovi spasili ljude od ajkula – VIDEO

Bojana Savić

Zaštitnica šuma i živog sveta u njima. Neprijatelj bahatih, pohlepnih, moćnih. Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret!

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