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Top 5 idiotskih Facebook cenzura

Donald Tramp

THE END: the real story behind it all: The First step to solving any problem, is recognizing there is one. Where does the freedom begin? How much of this freedom is assigned to my individuality, and how much to society? In this case it’s cemented to a country which is run by a paper of supreme rights, full of words that were written almost three hundred years ago for a society that then went on and built the greatest country in the world. But like the old adage ‘some constitutional amendments will grow with you and others will grow apart’ these growing pains America faces at the fault of it’s own success has now physically transpired into a fragile little marshmallow exterior called Donald Trump. When you are running the United States of America on a set of constitutional rights that don’t fit the fastest paced country in the world. What you get is a shiny red Ferrari pulled by a horse and carriage. Easy now fuzzy little peaches. You may argue that my painting ‘is not art’, you may argue ‘America is still great’, you might say ‘Hey, you look like Miley Cyrus on a really bad day’ and that is your right as an American for that opinion to be seen or heard if you so wish it to be, your individual input into this world is how the greatest political revolutions, music, art and presidents have been created. This is why we must protect it. Entropy is inescapable, and America is full of and callous beauty and casual destruction. But I guess that’s all in the way you interpret the words ‘land of the free’. – thanks for following Sorry for flooding your feeds (not) and this will all probably be removed by Instagram in the morning. Love and light little rays of sunshine. Art is not a thing – it is a way.

A photo posted by Illma Gore (@illmagore) on

Shvatanje umetnosti u je individualno i mnogo se puta pokazalo da što je jednoj osobi umetnost, drugoj je obično smeće. Istaknuta američka feministkinja i umetnica Ilma Gor (Illma Gore) naslikala je nagog Donalda Trampa (Donald Trump) sa simbolično malim polnim organom. Inspiraciju za ovakvu sliku Illma je dobila posmatrajući predsedničku kampanju u Americi i time je želela da skrene pažnju na činjenicu da pol ne pokazuje da li će političar biti vredan glasa ili ne i da iskaže svoj revolt protiv manipulacija u predsedničkim kampanjama. Ubrzo nakon što je fotografiju svog dela postavilu u grupu femiistkinja, profil joj je privremeno ugašen, i fotografija je uklonjena. Međutim, fotografija ja zaživela globalno i nije uklonjena sa Instagrama (iako je Facebook vlasnik i ove društvene mreže), Twittera, Tumblra i drugih društvenih mreža.

Aleksandra Aleksić

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