
Does it mean that there’s something wrong with me if I need therapy?

Let’s not beat around the bush when it comes to health and get straight to the point – needing therapy doesn’t mean that you’re crazy. In fact, it would be crazy to ignore an issue that’s preventing you from being entirely healthy. Before you assume that this means that you’re in some way ill, let me remind you of the definition of health.

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” (WHO)

Find the best online therapy, reach out, and start taking care of your well-being! It would be crazy not to! Why?

Would you be afraid of seeking professional help if you experienced terrible stomach aches, a bad cough, or a knee injury? I’m guessing that it would never cross your mind that dealing with these issues would in some way mean that you’re flawed, weak, or crazy.

Why is it any different when it comes to mental health then? If you experience anxiety, depression, or stress, it could prevent you from functioning just as any physical health issue would, if not more.

Maybe you think that ignoring a physical issue could have fatal consequences, so it should be taken more seriously. Are you aware of how many people suffering from eating disorders die every day? Do you know how many people have suicidal thoughts, never seek help, and eventually go through with it? They don’t even have to have suicidal thoughts; they can simply be tired of not being able to function due to some problems they can’t talk to anyone about.

Maybe they try talking to their family and friends about it, but do you know what they most often hear from them? “All of us have problems but we suck it up”, “It’s just in your head”, “Don’t be so negative. Think positive”, “You should be grateful for what you have and have no reason to complain”, “At least you’ve got your health” and so on and so on… These people love you, so you listen to them because you assume they have your best interests at heart. They probably do, but they’re not professionals and probably don’t realize that the definition of a healthy individual is not just about physical health.

So, why wouldn’t we treat mental health issues the same way we take care of our physical health? Unfortunately, the reason is a terrible stigma about mental health that has no place in modern society.

The term stigma is used to describe a socially based opinion that’s actually based on exaggerated fear. I’m here to tell you that you have no reason to be afraid if you’re having some problems related to your mental health. Therapy is not a scary word, stigma is.

Don’t ever think that there’s something wrong with you if you need therapy. The truth is, everyone does, and there’s something wrong with ignoring problems instead of trying to find a solution. It’s crazy to just let something that’s bothering you destroy your life and your health just because you think that it’s embarrassing to talk about it with a therapist who could help you.

“Well, if everyone needs therapy but doesn’t seek help, why should I? “

You’d be surprised how many people actually do seek therapy, they just don’t talk about it to others in the fear of being judged… Maybe when you imagine those people, you see the image of a person crying and hugging their knees in the corner. The truth is, your successful coworker that you always see smiling and having a positive attitude might actually be suffering from depression. She might be going to regular online therapy sessions to be able to get up in the morning and come to work. She’s scared to talk about it because people might use “bad words” when talking about her… The word “crazy” is not actually thought of as bad, unlike the words “mental illness”.

Let me say it again. Mental illness. Can you see how it seems like that word has a special power to make you feel uncomfortable? Why? Let’s try one more time. Mental illness.

Remember the definition of health? Well, let’s see the definition of mental illness.

“Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking, or behavior (or a combination of these). Mental illnesses are associated with distress and/or problems functioning in social, work, or family activities. Mental illness is common.”

Read that last sentence of the definition again. How do you feel about these words know? If they still make you feel uncomfortable, it’s understandable since some words got a bad meaning attached to them due to ignorance. How do you feel about the following words – mental disorder? What if I say psychological disorder instead? You know all these mean the same thing, right? I know you picked up on that already, but do you know that, for instance, stress response syndrome falls into the category of mental illness? Stress response syndrome is when someone develops behavioral or emotional symptoms as a reaction to a stressful situation or event. This situation could be something like divorce, getting fired, a natural disaster or war, but how about an epidemic we’re all dealing with recently? Get’s you thinking doesn’t it? Usually, after the stressor isn’t present anymore, the syndrome is present for no longer than six more months. I’m telling you this because a mental illness isn’t something strange and everlasting. What’s more, having mental health problems and having a mental illness isn’t the same. I just wanted you to know that, if you by any chance have a mental illness or now someone who does, it’s not something scary, embarrassing, or untreatable. The truth is, due to the current circumstances in the world, many people might have developed a mental illness.

People often confuse the terms mental illness and mental health though. Not all people experience an actual mental illness, but every person in the world has challenges and struggles with their mental health. It’s just like with physical health, isn’t it? Not having an illness doesn’t mean that you can’t have problems related to physical health. If you break your arm, it’s a physical health problem, not an illness, right? But you seek treatment anyway, talk to a professional about it and let them help you heal. The same goes for when your heart breaks, or at least it should.

If, for any reason, you’re not feeling in a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, you should make an effort to be truly healthy. Sometimes, all it takes is to reach out to a professional who’ll you’ll be able to talk to. Don’t be afraid of therapy, be afraid of staying unhappy and not doing anything about it. Maybe you think that what you’re going through isn’t serious, but it’s very serious when a person is struggling with something, whatever it is. You don’t have to have a mental illness or whatever it is that you’d call “serious” to seek professional help. Maybe you simply feel chronically exhausted and like you can’t do anything about it. You have to work on yourself, but you don’t have to do it alone. There are people who can help you, so please let them.

Ana Vakoš

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