
Banka ga je odbila za kredit, ali njegova osveta je bila slatka

Adam Diring (39) bio je potpuno dekintiran kada se 2002. godine zaputio u banku u Urmstonu, u okrugu Velikog Mančestera, kako bi pokušao da dobije kredit i započne novi posao.

Menadžerka banke je bez mnogo razmišljanja odbila njegov zahtev za kredit od 10.000 funti, pod izgovorom da je previše mlad. Nije ni slutila koliko će takva odluka uticati na život tada 21-godišnjeg Adama.

Britanac je uz veliki trud uspeo da pokrene posao. Nije mogao da priušti ni sto ni stolicu, radio je na podu jedne male kancelarije, a 2014. godine je svoju kompaniju prodao za pet miliona funti.

Kako bi se osvetio lokalnoj banci, koja je u najtežem trenutku odbila da mu pomogne, kupio je celu njenu zgradu za 450.000 funti.

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I’ve had an amazing weekend here in Barbados. 🇧🇧 😎 . . I’m out here looking for a plot of land to build a dream house for me and my kids.🤩 . . Lockdown changed my perception of what I wanted for my future. Everything I wanted to do on New Year’s Day for 2020 didn’t happen. What I thought I wanted has now changed and I’m sure this isn’t unique to me. 🤷🏻‍♂️ . . After the maddest year and realising how fragile our earth eco-system is and how the rug can be pulled from under us has made realise I need to start enjoying life a bit more and getting a balance. 💯 All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy! 😂 . . So a sea view in my life and some sand in my toes is what’s called for going forward!😍 . . There might of been a storm over 2020 but it can’t rain forever! ☔️ Let’s f*cking make sure Covid can’t keep us down! 👍🏻 . . Stay strong, stay positive and never ever give in! ✊🏻🔥 . . #findtheaction

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– Kada sam imao 21. godinu, napustio sam posao prodavca jer sam znao da mogu da pokrenem uspešan posao, ali nisam imao novca. Predstavio sam im ceo poslovni plan i tražio 10.000 funti. Menadžerka me uopšte nije ozbiljno shvatila iako sam i srce i dušu uložio u taj plan. Rekla mi je da sam mlad i neiskusan i da zato ne želi da rizikuje. Bio sam skrhan. Bilo je dosta trenutaka kada sam mislio da je svemu došao kraj, ali sam odbio da se predam – prisetio se Diring za “Dejli majl”.

Trud se na kraju isplatio, a njegov posao koji se bavio upravljanjem dugovima i štednjom je procvetao.

Diring je ima problematično odrastanje. Sa 14 godina izbačen je iz škole jer uništio jedan automobil. Potom je pristupio Kraljevskom ratnom vazduhoplovstvu, ali je ubrzo odustao zbog problema sa alkoholom. Vratio se u Urmston gde je stalno menjao poslove i bio otpuštan, prenosi Blic.

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Big thanks to @ladbible for writing this story. 🙌🏻 . . So last week I bought the bank building where I got knocked back for a loan at 21 years old! 🙌🏻😂 . . So when I was a broke ass 21 year old I had a dream to work for myself and setup my own business! 👍🏻 . . I created a business plan, made an appointment with the bank manager to speak about setting up and account and getting a business loan, before I went into the bank I prayed as I had zero cash and had no idea how I would realise my dream without it. 💯 . . I sat down with my fingers and toes crossed and the woman who was the bank manager took my business plan went through it quickly and in a really patronisingly tone said the problem is Adam you are a bit young and you have no business experience. This isn’t something we can do at this stage. 🤦🏻‍♂️😫 . . My heart sank, I felt humiliated, frustrated and sad. I had no plan B. 💔 😢 . . I had already quit my job and had managed to scrape enough money together to pay the first quarters rent and I got a phone-line off BT which was on 30 days credit terms. . . I didn’t have any money to buy a desk or chair so as a result I spent 4 months on the floor with the phone off BT and the Thompson Local. 😊 . . No marketing budget, no Google or Social media to even advertise in, just a burning desire to succeed! 🔥 . . So I bought the bank building where they declined me for the £10K business loan! 🙌🏻 . . For me this was a great day! 🤩 . . Remember your current situation is never your final destination! ✊🏻💪🏻 . . #findtheaction

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Tada mu je pomogao komšija Kris koji ga je motivisao da pronađe dobar posao. Uskoro se zaposlio u kompaniji koja se bavila finansijskim upravljanjem, a onda je odlučio da želi samostalno time da se bavi.

Danas pomaže mnogim kompanijama da organizuju svoje finansije, a zahvaljujući svom uspehu postao je i motivacioni govornik.

Zgrada banke koju je kupio biće potpuno renovirana i dobiće novu namenu – izgradiće se osam stanova i jedna prodajna jedinica na tom mestu.

– Kupovina ove banke je za mene bila način da zaokružim ovu priču i pokazuje da sam bio u pravu kada sam verovao u sebe – zaključio je Diring za “Dejli mejl”.

Predsedniče, je l’ može i meni kao Nadi Topčagić 100.000 evra na poklon?

Dragana Vidić

Čeka poslednji voz za Nedođiju. I to uspešno radi jako dugo. U međuvremenu piše.

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